Live in Nature.
Live with Nature.
Senthil Manimaran
Partner, Co-Head of Construction Planning and Development
Senthil Maninaran is a seasoned entrepreneur and real estate expert. With his wealth of experience in real estate development and construction, Senthil co-manages all construction planning and development activities for Land Global. He is jointly responsible for overseeing all projects and ensuring that they are delivered on time and within budget.
With a degree in Engineering and an MBA from India, Senthil has demonstrated a unique ability to execute complex development projects and develop strategic business plans that deliver results.
As co-founder and partner at Real Estate Value Creation (RECV) and Chairman of TXI Builders, Senthil has been instrumental in the conceptualization and successful execution of numerous development projects across the DFW metroplex, including multi-family townhomes and built-to-rent (BTR) communities, with an emphasis on creating and realizing value.